Tuesday, 27 November 2018

I am Learning to Solve Subtraction Problems by Counting back from the Largest Number.

I am in Toru group for maths and we have been learning how to solve subtraction problems by counting back from the largest number. We do this by holding the biggest number in our heads and counting back on our fingers.

My Reflection
I think that I am good at counting back. It is tricky to solve subtraction problems by counting back and sometimes I make mistakes. I think that counting back is a good way to solve take away problems.

I am Learning to add Detail to my Writing.

Room 8 has been learning how to add detail into our writing to make it more interesting. We can think about the questions: Who? What? Where? When? How? and Why? to help us add this detail.
We have recently started swimming again and chose this shared experience to write about.

On Friday we went to the pool. First we had time to play around and I got to splash the whole of Year 2. I ran from start to end. When I was running I felt warm and relaxed but a little bit cold but I liked it. The water was very cold and a tinsy bit warm. I also did free time at the end.

My Reflection
I think that I did a good job with my writing because I tried hard to add detail. It is a little bit tricky to add detail to my writing because I keep on forgetting things. I think that it is important to add detail because it helps to make your writing more interesting.

I am Learning to Find Information from a Text.

I am in Max Group for Reading. I am Reading at Orange Level 16. We have been learning how to find information from a text.  We read the nonfiction book Guinea Pigs and made a mind map to show the different facts that we learned.

My Reflection
It can be a bit tricky to find information in books because I don't know many words. I like to read books that have facts in them because I get to learn new things. I liked learning about guinea pigs because they are cute!

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

I am Learning to Draw Patterns.

Room 8 made flower headbands for the Term 4 Wearable Arts Show. We copied and created new patterns to put onto the different petals. We worked hard on our art and had a lot of fun making and displaying it.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

I am Learning to Identify 2D and 3D Shapes.

In Room 8 we have been learning about Geometry. We have looked at different 2D and 3D shapes and their different parts. We learned that shapes have different numbers of sides, faces, edges and corners of vertices.
We had a lot of fun making monsters out of different shapes!

My shape monster is called Killsafia. He is an octagon. Id he was a 3D shape he would be an octagonal prism. He would like to play snakes and ladders.

My Reflection
I think that my shape monster looks good. My favourite part about it is it's colour. I also like his sharp teeth!
I found geometry easy because I knew some of the 2D and 3D shapes already.
It is easier to count sides on a 2D shape than a 3D shape.

I am Learning to Recognise and Read Long Vowel Sounds and Silent e.

I am in Thumper group for reading. We have been learning about silent e and how it changes vowels to make a long vowel sound.

Success Criteria:
- Read words without silent e correctly.
- Read words with the addition of silent e correctly.
- Understand that silent e changes the sound of the vowel.

My Reflection
I think that I did a good job reading the words with long vowel sounds. It was easier to read the words without the silent e because I knew the sounds of the letters. It is also easy to read the words with silent e because the vowel says its name.

I am Learning to Try My Best.

I participated in the Year 2 Cross Country. We have been practicing on Tuesdays and Thursdays this term. I came in first place!

Monday, 3 September 2018

I am Learning to Write a Cinquain Poem.

In Room 8 we have been learning how to write a cinquain poem. These poems have a special order that the words have to be put in. We have practiced writing cinquains in our writing books and published our most recent poems on Spring.

Success Criteria:
- All words must relate to the topic.
- The second line must contain two adjectives.
- The third line must contain three verbs with an -ing ending.
- The fourth line must be a four word sentence about Spring.

Warm, new
Zooming, flying, running
In Spring we play

My Reflection
It wasn't hard or easy to write a cinquain poem, it was in the middle.
The easiest part was the colouring and the hardest part was to think of adjectives.
It was easy to think of some verbs.
I am proud of my poem because everything about it is great!

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

I am Learning to Say Before and After Numbers to 20.

I am in Rua group for maths. We have been learning to say before and after numbers in the range from 1 to 20.

I need to:
- be able to count forwards and backwards from 20.
- know what number comes before a number within the range 1 - 20.
- know what number comes after a number within the range 1 - 20.

My Reflection

I am proud of how I knew all of the answers.
I find it easy to say the before and after numbers.
I think that I could say before and after numbers for numbers bigger than 20.

Friday, 29 June 2018

I am Learning to Use Punctuation Properly.

Last week we celebrated Matariki with a pyjama and breakfast morning at school!
It was lots of fun and gave us good ideas to write about. Our focus in writing has been on using different types of punctuation correctly.

I need to:
- Use at least two different types of punctuation.
- Use the punctuation in a way that makes my writing more interesting.
- Put the punctuation in the right places.

This morning we had a Matariki Breakfast! The kai that I liked was the bread with jam. I like the breakfast so much but I was the last one to finish the kai.

My Reflection
I am proud of how I know where to put the full stops.
It can be kind of tricky to use other types of punctuation like question marks and ellipses.
I think that I will try to use punctuation in my writing every day and would like to learn about how to use brackets.

Monday, 11 June 2018

I am Learning to Recognise Contractions.

I am in Meeko group for Reading, we are working at Blue level. We have been learning to recognise and read contractions.

I need to:
- read contractions correctly
- understand that they are a shortened version of two words
- match a contraction with the words they are short for

My Reflection
I am proud of how I tried my very best to match the contractions and the words.
I didn't find anything tricky when matching the contractions.
If I got stuck with contractions in class, I could ask my friends for help.

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

I am Learning to Try New Things

We took part in a trial soccer clinic. We learned a new game called 'Shark Attack' and played a game of soccer in a big blow up field! The message of the lesson was to try new things and give it a go even if you feel nervous.

Success Criteria:
- take part in the games
- treat peers and team mates with respect and be a good sport
- have fun!

Thursday, 12 April 2018

I am Learning to Float with an Aid

Room 8 has been visiting the school pool on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. We have been learning to be safe in the water and using this time to gain confidence and to enjoy being in the water.

To be able to float in the water with an aid I must be able to:

- feel comfortable getting my face and hair wet
- use a pool noodle correctly (under my armpits)
- keep my feet off of the ground

My Reflection
I am proud of how I can float on my back with and without a noodle.
It can be tricky to hold my breath under water.
I like being in the water because it is fun to swim in the water!

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

I am Learning to Read a Bar Graph and Answer Questions

I am learning to read a bar graph and answer questions

I need to:
*read the question
*read the data (information) on the graph
*identify the lowest (fewest) and highest (most) bars
*read the quantities
*compare the data on the graph
*answer questions about the data (information) on the graph

My Reflection

I am proud of how I could tell which one was the smallest and biggest.
It can be tricky to know exactly what number the bars were up to.
Next time I could ask my friends for help.

I am Learning to Make Rhyming Strings

I am in Meeko group for reading. We have been learning to make rhyming strings to help us read new words.

I need to:
- Think of words that have the same end sound.
- Think of words that make sense.

My Reflection

I am proud of how I could say all of the rhyming words.
It is easy to think of some words that rhyme with cat.
It can be tricky to think of rhyming words for bigger words.

Friday, 2 March 2018

I am Learning to use Capital Letters and Full Stops

I am learning to use capital letters correctly:
I use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.
I use a capital letter for the word ‘I.’
I use a capital letter for names of things.

I am learning to use full stops correctly:
I use a full stop at the end of a sentence.

My name is Sameer. I like the colour is red. I am 5 years old. My favourite fruit is banana.

My Reflection

I think that I did my Is really well and also my full stops. I found it easy to sound out the words. Next time I could read it again to make sure it makes sense.

Monday, 12 February 2018

Welcome to Year 2 2018

Welcome to my Learning Journey for 2018.

I am in Year 2, Room 8 and my teacher is Miss Clegg.